
2016: Brands take on the New Year

For many brands, the New Year means refreshes, changes, and revisiting past ideas in order to move forward on a strong note. So when it comes to marketing and advertising, which companies are already demonstrating their direction for 2016?

And the new year is also a significant time for consumers, many of whom are looking to make long-lasting resolutions for the coming months and beyond. Understanding this, luxury fitness brand Equinox, recently launched its new 2016 brand campaign, drawing on the theme of “commitment”. In partnership with Wieden and Kennedy, the company has entitled its advertising push, “Commit to Something”, with print media, a series of out-of-home ads, and a video, depicting models committing to various endeavours- and not just fitness-related. For instance, there’s the image of a protester fighting for a cause, a man lying amongst wads of cash, and an unlikely male cheerleader surrounded by shelves of trophies. The photos, taken by Steven Klein, are certainly thought provoking and challenging, but ultimately convey that life is all about dedication to a goal or passion, regardless of what that is. And it’s certainly a powerful note for Equinox to begin the year on, establishing themselves as lifestyle leaders beyond the gym floor.

While some brands are drawing on their own values and identities, others are looking to tap into new directions. This is true of Ford for instance, who have started 2016 by asking customers to “unlearn” what they know about the company’s image. Moving away from stereotypes of the “Mondeo man”, the car company, in conjunction with WPP agency, Blue Hive UK, has created a new out-of-home, TV and digital campaign to promote its luxury models, such as the Mustang and Edge SUV. Launching tomorrow, the campaign will be based upon turning preconceived notions on their head, with characters including a 104-year-old record-breaking runner, and a micro pig who is convinced it is a cat! Likewise, Intel, have also been in the process of updating their brand strategy this year for their Intel Inside sector, with a new and visually exciting campaign. The premise behind this is, “Amazing Experiences Outside”, with a commercial featuring musical performances, fashion pieces, and extraordinary objects. The brand has drawn on their existing concept, which has traditionally shown the components that go into their products, but this new initiative extends this further, showing the kinds of products and services that result from the company’s craftsmanship.

And one of our favourites to emerge this year so far has to be from Pret a Manger, whose latest brand initiative follows a lovely and altruistic theme. The company’s latest campaign is based around the notion of giving back, by encouraging customers to reach out to those in need. The high street chain has just launched its new programme, “Make Someone Smile” which will see 120,000 of its coffee sleeves printed with the slogan in question. Pret hopes that this campaign will implore customers to spread a little kindness over the coming month, by purchasing a hot drink for someone else. Those who receive the sleeve are also entitled to a free hot drink before the campaign’s close at the end of February, tying in with the company’s existing and successful loyalty scheme.

What do you think about the latest brand campaigns this year? Are there any which have particularly stood out for you? We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please tweet to us @PracticeDigital and share your comments on our Facebook page.