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The Most Eggscellent Easter campaigns

We hope you all had a cracking Easter break (sorry, we can’t help ourselves!) With the festive season over, we thought it was time to look back on our favourite holiday brand campaigns this year. 

Firstly, one of our favourites had to be Marks and Spencer’s Easter ad. The company stuck strictly to their identifiable branding, making for a gorgeous and short but sweet video. The supermarket’s campaign took the concept of “chicken and egg” to showcase their artisanal chocolate eggs, and also featured an animated chick in the final frame, winking into the camera. Another of our favourites for its blatant humour was definitely from Aldi, who parodied Coca-cola’s infamous Diet Coke ad, “The Gardener”. While this featured a hunky male model splashing his shirt with diet coke as a group of women looked on, Aldi’s showed a similar actor instead pouring packets of hot cross buns onto himself! In their second Easter ad as part of their #AldiFavouriteThings campaign, the supermarket chain also spoofed Cadbury’s celebrated “Gorilla” campaign to advertise Lindt’s chocolate rabbits. 

In a rather unusual offline campaign, Cadburys decided to drop three giant branded Easter eggs into Loch Ness as part of their Easter #EggsEverywhere campaign. The idea, created in conjunction with PsLive, was intended to replicate the Loch Ness Monster rising from the water, as each egg was submerged at different heights to convey the effect.

Cadbury, #EggsEverywhere

But our favourite out-of-home campaign came from Carlsberg, who created a pop-up bar made entirely from chocolate. This was staged close to home at Shoreditch’s Old Truman Brewery, and was part of the brand’s “If Carlsberg Did Chocolate Bars” campaign. We wish we could have seen it, (or even taken a bite!) as apparently, the pop up featured half a tonne of chocolate, chocolate bar stools, and even a chocolate TV. And to reinforce the brand’s own product, Carlsberg beer was served to visitors in chocolate glasses.

Carlsberg, #IfCarlsbergDid

Similarly, Heineken also jumped on board the festive theme with some visually impactful print ads. These featured the brand’s signature beer bottles constructed in chocolate, and packaged in foil printed with the company’s branding to replicate the look of an Easter treat. We also liked Wilkinson Sword’s print ad featuring the top of a bald head, reminding viewers of the classic egg shape.

Heineken, Easter 2016

Wilkinson Sword 

What did you think of this year’s Easter marketing campaigns? Which was your favourite? We’d love to hear your thoughts as always, so please tweet to us @PracticeDigital and share your comments on our Facebook page.