Instagram’s mobile site: a revelation for global users?

Instagram has recently launched one of its biggest updates yet- enabling users to now post images directly from its mobile website. 


The benefits of automation tools for B2B companies

Marketing automation is a trend that’s been growing rapidly for the last five years. Businesses know that they can no longer solely rely on a manual or organic approach to generating leads and driving sales.


Is email a thing of the past in today’s workplace?

Efficient internal communication is at the core of every business’s day to day operations. Without a robust and agreed method in place, it can be easy for conversations to be forgotten, and tasks not to be actioned in a timely manner.


April app roundup: What’s made our list this month?

It’s been a while since we’ve reviewed the latest apps on the market. So which have attracted our attention of late?


Read all about it! Facebook updates Instant Articles

Facebook is taking further measures to facilitate the needs of its publishing partners, with the launch of two helpful new features.  


How can brands use Instagram Stories creatively?

With the Stories format on social media quickly eclipsing the traditional News feed, brands now have the chance to engage their audiences on an interactive level like never before.


Twitter for business: The best customer-centric platform?

At The Practice, Twitter is perhaps our preferred platform for consumer brands, with its immediate nature perfect for a host of clever marketing activities. With recent updates designed to help businesses, how can brands enhance their Twitter presence further?


How can you use Google Analytics to grow your marketing strategy?

It goes without saying that your website is the hub of your brand, where everything from your content to products is in full view. But are your marketing efforts driving traffic to it, and most importantly, generating conversions? Today, we’re giving you an overview of how to use Google Analytics to ensure your site receives the attention it deserves.  

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Social media encryption: Could its removal prevent terrorism?

In the wake of last week’s devastating attack on Westminster bridge, measures have been discussed on how best to prevent future incidents, with social media coming under scrutiny.


Running influencer campaigns- can Adobe’s new product help?

Influencer marketing is when a brand collaborates with a renowned digital star or blogger, to boost reach on one or more social channels of their choosing. And with the growth of Facebook and Instagram Live, it’s promotional video which has become one of the most popular ways for brands to reach a broader audience.
